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TALENT: Training in Advanced Low Energy Nuclear Theory
Training the next generation of nuclear physicists
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Join the TALENT membership

As stated in the TALENT Charter, TALENT membership is open to all practicing nuclear physicists sharing the goals of the TALENT Project. The TALENT Board will maintain a mailing list of TALENT members registered through this page. The agenda and approved minutes for Board meetings will be made available to TALENT members.

Please step through the entry instructions, following the stated format.
Required entries are in red.
Note: only name, status, institution, and country will be displayed on the TALENT webpage.

When complete, first Preview (button at the bottom) and then Submit (when happy with the result).

  1. First name:     Last name:
    You can put more than one name in either box as well as suffixes.
  2. Email:
    This is the email address you will use to authenticate.
  3. Password:
    Confirm password:
    (Do not use a password used elsewhere for sensitive information.)
    Your password and email address will be used if you make changes later and to access information restricted to the TALENT membership.
  4. Status (choose one): Faculty Lab. staff Postdoc Graduate student Other
  5. Country:
    Use USA for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom.
  6. Institution:
  7. Personal webpage (give the full URL in the form http://my_web_address):

  8. When you have filled in all the relevant blanks, first press to check your input and make any changes. Once all is well, press . You will receive an email message with a link to follow for verification (please check your spam folder if you don't find this email).