FRIB-TA Initiatives with Calls

See the full list of FRIB-TA initiatives. Follow the links here for details of the calls for specific programs:

FRIB Bridge Program

Call for FRIB Theory Alliance Bridge Partner - Deadline March 15th, 2024

The FRIB Theory Alliance's (FRIB-TA) Bridge Program is one of several FRIB-TA initiatives that foster advancements in theory associated with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. The Bridge Program aims to enhance opportunities for hiring faculty at universities and staff at national laboratories who conduct theoretical research in low-energy nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, and quantum many-body theory that is relevant to FRIB's scientific program.

Each bridge position will support a new faculty member at a university or a new staff member at a national laboratory through a 50% cost-share with the host institution for up to six years. For this round of the program we seek proposals for bridge hires where the search would be run in Academic Year 2024-5, with a view to having the new faculty or staff member in the position in Fall 2025.

The FRIB-TA invites all departments at universities and national laboratories that participate in FRIB-TA science (see and are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA through the Bridge Program to submit a proposal. Further details and guidance in preparing the proposals are available at For clarifications, please contact the FRIB-TA managing director Scott Bogner (

The proposals should be sent electronically to the Chair of the FRIB-TA Bridge Committee, Jon Engel, cc to Gillian Olson, by March 15, 2024.

We intend to make the selection no later than March 31, 2024. Provided funding remains available as expected, the results will be made public through the FRIB-TA web page and communicated to all applicants.

FRIB Theory Fellows

Call for Partners for the FRIB-TA Theory Fellow - Deadline August 14, 2023

The FRIB Theory Fellow Program is an important component of the FRIB TA. FRIB Theory Fellows are highly qualified individuals with exceptional potential. They are expected to develop a high-caliber research effort relevant to rare-isotope science that demonstrates independence of action beyond that of a typical post-doc. The initial appointment is for two years; it can be extended up to a total of five years.
Currently there are four theory fellows, (see of which two will be moving into permanent positions. Two additional theory fellows are slated to start later this summer.

This year's FRIB Theory Fellow Search Committee will seek one new fellow candidate to start Summer 2024. As the new fellow will not be sited at MSU/FRIB, the committee is soliciting Partner Institutions interested in hosting the FRIB Theory Fellow. If you are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA on the fellow program, please review: National FRIB Theory Fellow program and communicate your interest to Calvin Johnson (, chair of the Search Committee, as soon as possible.

The proposed time-line for the search is:
August 14: Deadline to identify Partner Institutions
August 21: Advertise FRIB Theory Fellow Position
October 15: Application Deadline
December 4 - 8: Interview FRIB Theory Fellow candidates
Select FRIB Theory Fellow(s) by December 15

Potential Partner Institutions need to identify a senior researcher who will act as the local host for the Fellow. The Partner Institutions and the local hosts will be identified in the fellow position advertisement. Each Partner Institution will have a representative on the Search Committee during the interview process (most often the local host). These extra members of the search committee will participate in the selection of the shortlist and in all interviews. After the interviews, the representatives of the Partner Institutions on the search committee will give their assessment of each candidate. If any of the permanent members of the Search Committee represent a Partner Institution, they will be replaced by other members of the FRIB-TA. For more information please consult the National FRIB Theory Fellow program.

The FRIB Theory Fellow will be an MSU employee and the Partner Institution will execute a sub-recipient agreement with MSU. The funding required from a partner university to MSU is approximately $79,000/year, pending final negotiations. Further questions about these arrangements may be directed to Calvin Johnson or to Scott Bogner (

Topical Program Proposals

FRIB-TA Topical Programs

FRIB Theory Alliance Topical Programs: Call for proposals for 2024. Deadline January 17th, 2024

FRIB-TA topical programs are focused workshops that address research topics relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. The programs bring together up to 30 theorists and experimentalists for a period of up to three weeks and typically result in a publication or whitepaper. We are now soliciting proposals for programs to run during the summer or fall semester of 2024.

During the topical program, researchers are expected to discuss a specific problem, identify strategies to address it, and collaborate on solutions. At the end of the topical program, a deliverable must be presented to the community. The programs will be hosted at FRIB and the FRIB Theory Alliance will support local costs for participants.

Proposals need to contain a program description which outlines the scientific motivation, connection to FRIB science, and specific deliverables that demonstrate progress made during the program. Some information on participants and logistics needs to be included. Specifically, proposals need to list the names and affiliations of a diverse group of key experts who can contribute to the success of the proposed program and who intend to participate in the program for a significant fraction of time. The overall proposal should not exceed four pages.

Guidelines for preparing the proposal, and a proposal template, can be found on the web site of the Theory Alliance:

From the Resources tab, select “Calls for Initiatives” and “Procedures for Initiatives.” Information on previous programs are available from the Science tab – select “Topical Programs.”

Proposals must be submitted by January 17th, 2024, by email to Elena Litvinova ( and Gillian Olson ( The selection will be made by the FRIB-TA Board in early February.

If you have questions, please contact Elena Litvinova (

Past Calls

The FRIB Theory Alliance's (FRIB-TA) Bridge Program is one of several FRIB-TA initiatives that foster advancements in theory associated with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. The Bridge Program aims to enhance opportunities for hiring faculty at universities and staff at national laboratories who conduct theoretical research in low-energy nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, and quantum many-body theory that is relevant to FRIB's scientific program.

Each bridge position will support a new faculty member at a university or a new staff member at a national laboratory through a 50% cost-share with the host institution for up to six years. For this round of the program we seek proposals for bridge hires where the search would be run in Academic Year 2023-4, with a view to having the new faculty or staff member in the position in Fall 2024.

The FRIB-TA invites all departments at universities and national laboratories participating in FRIB-TA science (see, and are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA through the Bridge Program to submit a proposal. Further details and guidance in preparing the proposals are available at here. For any clarifications, please contact the FRIB-TA managing director (

The proposals should be sent electronically to the Chair of the FRIB-TA Bridge Committee, Daniel Phillips (, cc to Gillian Olson (, by February 28, 2023.

We intend to make the selection no later than March 31, 2023. Provided funding remains available as expected, the results will be made public through the FRIB-TA web page and communicated to all applicants.

Call for Partners for the FRIB-TA Theory Fellow - Deadline August 14, 2023

The FRIB Theory Fellow Program is an important component of the FRIB TA. FRIB Theory Fellows are highly qualified individuals with exceptional potential. They are expected to develop a high-caliber research effort relevant to rare-isotope science that demonstrates independence of action beyond that of a typical post-doc. The initial appointment is for two years; it can be extended up to a total of five years.
Currently there are four theory fellows, (see of which two will be moving into permanent positions. Two additional theory fellows are slated to start later this summer.

This year's FRIB Theory Fellow Search Committee will seek one new fellow candidate to start Summer 2024. As the new fellow will not be sited at MSU/FRIB, the committee is soliciting Partner Institutions interested in hosting the FRIB Theory Fellow. If you are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA on the fellow program, please review: National FRIB Theory Fellow program and communicate your interest to Calvin Johnson (, chair of the Search Committee, as soon as possible.

The proposed time-line for the search is:
August 14: Deadline to identify Partner Institutions
August 21: Advertise FRIB Theory Fellow Position
October 15: Application Deadline
December 4 - 8: Interview FRIB Theory Fellow candidates
Select FRIB Theory Fellow(s) by December 15

Potential Partner Institutions need to identify a senior researcher who will act as the local host for the Fellow. The Partner Institutions and the local hosts will be identified in the fellow position advertisement. Each Partner Institution will have a representative on the Search Committee during the interview process (most often the local host). These extra members of the search committee will participate in the selection of the shortlist and in all interviews. After the interviews, the representatives of the Partner Institutions on the search committee will give their assessment of each candidate. If any of the permanent members of the Search Committee represent a Partner Institution, they will be replaced by other members of the FRIB-TA. For more information please consult the National FRIB Theory Fellow program.

The FRIB Theory Fellow will be an MSU employee and the Partner Institution will execute a sub-recipient agreement with MSU. The funding required from a partner university to MSU is approximately $79,000/year, pending final negotiations. Further questions about these arrangements may be directed to Calvin Johnson or to Scott Bogner (

Call for Partners for the FRIB TA Theory Fellows

The FRIB Theory Fellow Program is an important component of the FRIB TA. FRIB Theory Fellows are highly qualified individuals with exceptional potential. They are expected to develop a high-caliber research effort relevant to rare-isotope science that demonstrates independence of action beyond that of a typical post-doc. The initial appointment is for two years; it can be extended up to a total of five years.

Currently there are five theory fellows (see of which two will be moving onto permanent positions. This year's FRIB Theory Fellow Search Committee will seek two new fellow candidates to start Summer 2023. One of the fellows hired in this search will be sited at FRIB/MSU. The committee is soliciting Partner Institutions interested in hosting a FRIB Theory Fellow. If you are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA on the fellow program, please review: National FRIB Theory Fellow program and communicate your interest to Saori Pastore (,, chair of the Search Committee, as soon as possible.

The proposed time-line for the search is:
August 5: Deadline to identify Partner Institutions
August 15: Advertise FRIB Theory Fellow Position
October 10: Application Deadline
December 5 - 9: Interview FRIB Theory Fellow candidates
Select FRIB Theory Fellow(s) by December 14

Potential Partner Institutions need to identify a senior researcher who will act as the local host for the Fellow. The Partner Institutions and the local hosts will be identified in the fellow position advertisement. Each Partner Institution will have a representative on the Search Committee during the interview process (most often the local host). These extra members of the search committee will participate in the selection of the shortlist and in all interviews. After the interviews, the representatives of the Partner Institutions on the search committee can give their assessment of each candidate but will not participate in the final selection of the Fellow. If any of the permanent members of the Search Committee represent a Partner Institution, they will be replaced by other members of the FRIB-TA in order to provide five voting members of the Search Committee. For more information please consult the National FRIB Theory Fellow program.

The FRIB Theory Fellow will be an MSU employee and the Partner Institution will execute a sub-recipient agreement with MSU. The funding required from a partner university to MSU is approximately $70,000/year, pending final negotiations. Further questions about these arrangements may be directed to Saori Pastore or to Filomena Nunes (

Call for Topical Program Proposals. Deadline January 24th, 2022

FRIB-TA topical programs are focused workshops that address research topics relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. The programs bring together up to 30 theorists and experimentalists for a period of up to three weeks and typically result in a publication or whitepaper. We are now soliciting proposals for programs to run during the fall semester of 2022.

During the topical program, researchers are expected to discuss a specific problem, identify strategies to address it, and collaborate on solutions. At the end of the topical program, a deliverable must be presented to the community. The programs will be hosted at FRIB and the FRIB Theory Alliance will support local costs for participants.

Proposals need to contain a program description which outlines the scientific motivation, connection to FRIB science, and specific deliverables that demonstrate progress made during the program. Some information on participants and logistics needs to be included. Specifically, proposals need to list the names and affiliations of a diverse group of key experts who can contribute to the success of the proposed program and who intend to participate in the program for a significant fraction of time. Given the uncertainties of future events caused by the ongoing COVID pandemic, we are also asking for a brief statement on the mode(s) in which the program is expected to run (in person, virtual, or hybrid) and how that might affect outcomes. The overall proposal should not exceed four pages.

Guidelines for preparing the proposal, and a proposal template, can be found on the web site of the Theory Alliance:

From the Resources tab, select “Calls for Initiatives” and “Procedures for Initiatives.” Information on previous programs are available from the Science tab – select “Topical Programs.”

Proposals must be submitted by January 24th, 2022, by email to Jutta Escher ( and Gillian Olson ( The selection will be made by the FRIB-TA Board in early February.

If you have questions, please contact Jutta Escher (

FRIB Theory Alliance Summer Schools: Call for proposals for 2022

FRIB-TA Theory Alliance is looking for exciting topics for a short school during the summer of 2022. The school should establish bridges between FRIB theory and other fields of relevance to FRIB science by bringing together students, postdocs, and faculty of diverse backgrounds.

The summer school proposal can be very brief, containing simply a title and a short paragraph explaining the relevance of the topic. The FRIB-TA Board will consider the various suggestions and look for compelling ideas. Subsequently, the FRIB-TA Board will consult with the proposer(s) and put together a team to work on the organization of the summer school. We will take into account the uncertainties and constraints caused by the ongoing COVID pandemic.

Proposals must be submitted by January 24th, 2022, by email to Jutta Escher ( and Gillian Olson ( The selection will be made by the FRIB-TA Board in early February. Please see for previous summer schools.

If you have questions, please contact Jutta Escher (

FRIB-TA Bridge Program proposals

The FRIB Theory Alliance's (FRIB-TA) Bridge Program is one of several initiatives to foster advancements in theory associated with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. It aims to enhance opportunities for theory faculty hires at universities or theory staff hires at national laboratories in low-energy nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, and quantum many-body theory of relevance to FRIB's scientific program.

Each bridge position will support a new faculty member at a university or a new staff member at a national laboratory, with a 50% cost-share with the host institution, for up to six years. We understand that the pandemic might create challenges (but also, perhaps, unique opportunities) for planning and executing a search, and have accordingly allowed for some flexibility in the start date. We seek proposals for bridge hires that take place as early as the summer of 2021 and up until the fall of 2022.

The FRIB-TA invites all departments at universities and national laboratories that participate in FRIB-TA science (see and are interested in partnering with the FRIB-TA in the Bridge Program to submit a proposal. Further details and guidance in preparing the proposals are available at For clarifications, please contact the FRIB-TA managing director Filomena Nunes (

The proposals should be sent electronically to the Chair of the FRIB-TA Bridge Committee, Sanjay Reddy (, cc to Gillian Olson (, by November 30, 2020.

We intend to make the selection by January 2021. Provided funding remains available as expected, the results will be made public through the FRIB-TA web page and communicated to all applicants.

We are now soliciting proposals for programs to run in the Summer/Fall of 2019:

The proposal for topical programs should not exceed 3 pages and should contain a description of the scientific project, covering the scientific motivation, the connection to FRIB (for example through the relevance to particular experiments), and specific deliverables. It should also include the names and affiliations of critical experts that are needed for the effort to be successful and who intend to participate in the program for a significant fraction of time.

Proposals must be submitted by February 1st, 2019, by email to *and* The selection will be made by the FRIB-TA Board by the end of February.

Please look at the Previous ICNT programs for examples of the types of programs intended (e.g., The r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting FRIB with the cosmos). If you have questions, please contact Chuck Horowitz (