FRIB-TA Meetings
Latest FRIB-TA Meeting
FRIB Theory Alliance Annual Meeting August 9-11, 2023 at LECM
The 2023 annual Low Energy Community Meeting took place in person at Michigan State University from 9-11 August.
The FRIB-TA annual meeting was followed by a late-afternoon plenary session, with further plenary sessions on Friday, August 11. Particular highlights were the presentations of the FRIB Early Achievement Awards to Kyle Godbey (MSU/FRIB) and Katharina Domnanich, and Director Saori Pastore’s plenary talk on FRIB-TA activities & science. See for full information on the plenary talks and the other Working Groups.
Past FRIB-TA Meetings
FRIB-TA Annual Meeting August 8-10, 2022 at LECM
Presentations from the FRIB TA Bridge and Fellows
- Theoretical developments for the exploration of the drip lines, Kévin Fossez (FSU)
- Few-Body Perspectives in Finite Volume, Sebastian Koenig (NCSU)
- Analyzing the Nuclear Interactions: challenges and new opportunities, Maria Piarulli (WUSTL)
- Implications of the nuclear EOS with quantified uncertainties for neutron stars, Christian Drischler (MSU/FRIB)
- Ab initio prediction for 4He(d,gamma)6Li and challenges for reactions involving heavier nuclei, Chloë Hebborn (LLNL)
- Accessing isospin symmetry breaking effects in superallowed beta decays, Chien-Yeah Seng (UW)
- Recent developments in the emulations of quantum continuum states, Xilin Zhang (MSU/FRIB)
- From ab initio description to few-body model of reactions, Chloë Hebborn (LLNL/MSU)
- Emulators for three-body scattering, Xilin Zhang (MSU)
- DMRG description of the island of inversion isotopes 28-33F, Kevin Fossez (FSU)
- Few-Body Physics in Finite Volume, Sebastian Koenig (NCSU)
- From atomic nuclei to infinite nucleonic matter within chiral dynamics, Maria Piarulli (WashU)
- Nuclear electroweak structure and reactions, Saori Pastore (WashU)
Ab-initio nuclear matter EOS, Diego Lonardoni (LANL/MSU)
Nuclear structure for Ovßß, Saori Pastore (WashU)
Alpha clustering and nuclear forces, Kevin Fossez (ANL/MSU)
Reactions with rare isotopes, Chloë Hebborn (LLNL/MSU)
Quantifying uncertainties in the nuclear-matter equation of state, Christian Drischler (MSU)
- The inaugural meeting of the FRIB Theory Alliance marking the creation of the FRIB-TA was held on March 31 and April 1, 2016 at Michigan State University. It was very well attended, with many FRIB-TA members present and others observing by videocast. The meeting agenda featured excellent speakers (slides) and discussion of the FRIB-TA charter (which was ratified by the community) and FRIB-TA initiatives.