Topical Programs

FRIB-TA Topical Programs


The FRIB Theory Alliance has introduced the FRIB-TA topical programs, which will bring together up to 30 theorists and experimentalists for a period of up to three weeks to address particular issues relevant for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Researchers are expected, during that time, to discuss the problem, identify strategies and collaborate on solutions. At the end of the topical program, a deliverable must be made available. The programs will be hosted at FRIB and the FRIB Theory Alliance will support local costs for participants.

Topical Programs in 2024

FRIB-TA Topical Program: The path to superheavy isotopes, June 3 - 14, 2024
Information about the program is avialble here.

Previous Topical Programs

FRIB-TA Topical Program: Theoretical Jstifications and Motivations for Early High-Profile FRIB Experiments, May 16 - 26, 2023
Information about the program is avialble here.
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Optical Potentials in Nuclear Physics, March 21 - April 1, 2022
Information about the program is avialble here.
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Nuclear Isomers in the Era of FRIB, May 9 - 20, 2022
Information about the program is avialble here.
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Few-Body Clusters in Exotic Nuclei and Their Role in FRIB Experiments, August 15 - 26, 2022
Information about the program is avialble here.
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Optical Potentials in Nuclear Physics, March 21 - April 1, 2022
Chloë Hebborn (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Gregory Potel Aguilar (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Filomena Nunes (Michigan State University/FRIB), Wim Dickhoff (Washington University in St. Louis), Jeremy Holt (Texas A & M University) organized the program which brought together sicentists to dicuss the development of optical potentials in teh FRIB era.
See the program website.
White Paper link
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Hadronic Electric Dipole Moments in the FRIB Era: From the Proton to Protactinium
The program was held 12-23 August, 2019 on the campus of Michigan State University

1.Theoretical Overview of EDMs: Current status and impact
2.Experimental Overview of EDMs: Current status and future prospects
3.EDMs at different energy scales from molecules to BSM Physics
4.Nuclear theory for calculating nuclear moments at different length scales
5.Enhancements of nuclear moments in heavy deformed nuclei
6.Translation of nuclear effects into atomic observables
Additional information is available at FRIB TA Topical Program

FRIB-TA Topical Program: FRIB and the GW170817 kilonova
R. Surman (Notre Dame), A. Aprahamian (Notre Dame), G.C. McLaughlin (NCSU) and A. Frebel (MIT) will organize a program on implications of the neutron star merger GW170817 and its associated Kilonova for r-process nucleosynthesis. This program builds on a 2016 r-process Topical Program and is especially timely given the extraordinary GW170817 observations. The program runs from July 16 - 27, 2018 (see the program website).
FRIB-TA Topical Program: Connecting bound state calculations with the scattering and reaction theory
“From bound states to the continuum: Connecting bound state calculations with scattering and reaction theory” was organized by Calvin Johnson (SDSU), Kristina Launey (LSU), Pierre Descouvmont (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Marek Płoszajczak (Ganil), Sofia Quaglioni (LLNL), and Jimmy Rotureau (MSU). This program pulled together experts in scattering and reaction theory, in bound state structure calculations, and especially those working on the boundary, to summarize the state of the art and to identify and lower the technical barriers to move from bound state calculations to the continuum. The program ran from June 11 – 22, 2018 (see the program website).
White Paper link