FRIB-TA support

FRIB Theory Alliance EUSTIPEN Program [Application form]

FRIB Theory Alliance EUSTIPEN Program

The Europe-U.S. Theory Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei (EUSTIPEN) has been established in order to facilitate collaborations between U.S.-based and Europe-based scientists whose main research thrust is in the area of the physics of nuclei. U.S. participation in EUSTIPEN is in the form of travel grants and subsistence grants to ECT* to those individuals who are interested in collaborating with European scientists. EUSTIPEN’s purview is in the area of physics of or with exotic nuclei, including nuclear structure and reaction theory, nuclear astrophysics, and tests of the standard model using exotic nuclei.

Funding for EUSTIPEN is being provided through the FRIB Theory Alliance by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the U. S. Department of Energy.


The purpose of EUSTIPEN is to deliver an international venue for research on the physics of nuclei during an era of investigations on rare isotopes. The EUSTIPEN program is intended to fund travel grants to ECT* for nuclear theorists and students whose current primary institutional affiliation is with a U.S. university, national laboratory, or other research center. Two kinds of EUSTIPEN grants are considered:

  1. Travel grants for collaboration meetings at ECT* with Europe-based colleagues. For such visits, EUSTIPEN will provide partial support for travel to and local expenses while in Trento. Funding (partial support for accommodation and meals) for Europe-based collaborators to visit ECT* will be supported through the ECT* program of annual activites.
  2. Travel for junior scientists and postdocs to attend workshops and training programs at ECT*. Support for senior researchers to attend ECT* workshops will be provided in exceptional cases, e.g., when no local support can be provided by ECT* (e.g., when a program is oversubscribed).

EUSTIPEN supported activities (workshops and collaboration meetings) are identified on a case-by-case basis. After selection of the annual program of activities by the ECT* Scientific Board, the ECT* Director and the EUSTIPEN management board agree which activities are eligible for EUSTIPEN support. This is subsequently indicated on the ECT* annual program.In addition, proposals for collaboration meetings at short notice will be considered by the ECT* Director and the EUSTIPEN management on a case-by-case basis.

At the point of registration for EUSTIPEN supported activities on the ECT* website, potential participants will be informed of the funding possibility and directed to apply following the instructions on the EUSTIPEN website. A list of supported participants is provided to ECT*, including the level of support offered by EUSTIPEN.


  1. U.S. scientists seeking to visit ECT* via EUSTIPEN should fill out the Web application form. Applications will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and decisions on acceptance will be made in a timely manner. To facilitate planning, application should be made no later than three months prior to departure.
  2. The EUSTIPEN grant will partially cover round-trip travel on U.S. carriers compliant with the fly America Act, (coach fares) and train travel (2nd class) from the arrival airport in Europe to Trento.
  3. The EUSTIPEN award will provide partial support for hotel or other housing with a detail receipt in Trento up to the maximum rate allowable by the U.S. Department of State Office at your time of travel. The current rate is $250.00/day (including taxes). If the flight schedule requires it, the grant will also pay for a single night at a hotel close to the airport at the lowest available rate. Meals will be reimbursed at the U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances Per Diem rate at your time of travel. The current per diem is $120.00/day (Br-18; Lu-30; Di-48; Incidentals-$24) and will be paid to all travelers, with the exception of provided meals. If the maximum rates are exceeded, the excess should be covered by other sources.
  4. In an effort to fund as many applications as possible, EUSTIPEN support has been capped at $2,500 for early career scientists (students and postdocs) and at $1,500 for permanent faculty at U.S. universities and national laboratories. Graduate students applying for support must either have a published journal article or be in their last year of their PhD.
  5. EUSTIPEN support will be limited to one successful application per person each calendar year.
  6. The ECT* administrative workshop organizers will assist EUSTIPEN visitors with local arrangements.
  7. Awardees should cover all travel expenses and seek reimbursement by submitting all necessary receipts to FRIB Theory Alliance research administrator Gillian Olson ( ) after the trip is completed. Please note that all international travel has to be approved before making the trip. Travelers are responsible for their own travel arrangements. NOTE: In the case of indirect routing for personal reasons, the extra travel costs will be at the traveler's expense. All expenses will be calculated only for the business portion of the trip. If at all possible, all receipts have to be submitted within 7 days of your return. Claims past 31 days after the trip will not be processed.
  8. Awardees are expected to write a 1 page exit report describing their work in Trento. This information will help us track EUSTIPEN's success. The report should be sent to Gillian Olson ( and at ECT* to
  9. EUSTIPEN support should be acknowledged in publications resulting from visits to or work at EUSTIPEN. Recommended phrasing: “This work was supported partially through EUSTIPEN (Europe-U.S. Theory Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei), which is supported by FRIB Theory Alliance under DOE grant number DE-SC0013617. We thank ECT* for hospitality during the time this work has been initiated/developed/completed.”

For questions or more information on EUSTIPEN, please contact Gillian Olson at olson at

FRIB-TA International Links Committee

  • See FRIB-TA International Links Committee members here.
For more information on the FRIB Theory Alliance, please contact Gillian Olson at olson at